
Lapp Catalogue App

Foto Katalog App kl

The catalogues “The World of Lapp” and “Innovations 2013” are available as an app that can be downloaded for tablet computers.

The “Lapp catalogue app” is available for iPads and Android tablet computers in German and English, and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Users can then use their tablet computer to explore the world of Lapp, including a wealth of branded products, technical tips and services, without needing to be connected to the Internet.

•    Interactive pages
•    Page overview
•    Full-screen mode
•    Table of contents
•    Full-text search
•    Personal bookmarks
•    Notes function
•    Integrated video gallery
•    Deep links to the website
•    New: Send catalogue page by e-mail

The “Lapp catalogue app” enables you to find the right products for your requirements quickly and easily.