

To our knowledge, our products supplied to you do not contain substances with concentrations, that prohibits the   placing on the market. The referred legislation is:

BGBl. I 2003 S.867, rev. 2007 S. 2382 - Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung <Restrictions on Chemicals>
2006/122/EG - „PFOS“- European Regulation
2002/95/EG - „RoHS“- European Regulation
2037/2000/EG - „Ozone depleting substances“- European Regulation

RoHS – Update:
On April, 1st 2008 the European Court (Grand Chamber) published the judgement reg. the Actions for annulment of the Commission Decision 2005/717/EC of 13 October 2005 amending the Annex to Directive 2002/95/EC reg. exemption 9a. -  "DecaBDE in polymeric applications". This means that Deca-BDE in polymeric applications cannot be used since July, 1st 2008.

Deca-BDE <Decabromodiphenyl ether> is a type of bromine-based flame retardant and a member of the PBDE family. PBDE was already included in Directive 2002/95/EC of 27 Jan 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances.  It is principally used as a flame retardant in polymers, e.g. well known plastics for cable insulations and even before the give due date <July 1st, 2008> - Lapp fulfills the required limit values, also with regard to Deca-BDE.

All this information is given to the best of our knowledge and belief. It reflects the current state of the art.

It is verified by structured and ongoing sample tests of our products.

With the huge number of  products in our catalogue it is not feasible to provide unexceptional evidence – so this is not meant as an unconditioned confirmation which implies liability or warranty.

REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals

With REACH, the European Community has created a harmonised System for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of chemicals. The goal is to ensure a high level of protection for the environment, health and safety.

On June 1, 2007 REACH was released and immediately became effective. It contains the following regulations:

1. From June 1, 2008, manufacturers and importers of substances as such, or of substances in preparations (mixtures) may have to register these substances with the European Chemicals Agency. 
2. Suppliers of substances and preparations must provide the recipient with either a safety data sheet (Article 31) or safety information (Article 32). In certain cases, the safety data sheet will be supplemented by an annex ("extended safety data sheet") showing the relevant exposure scenarios and safe working limits.
3. Manufacturers and importers of articles/finished products which contain more than 0.1 mass percent per article of a substance on the "candidate list" needs to communicate with their users. This includes providing the customer of the article with sufficient information to allow safe use of the article, including, as a minimum, the name of that substance.
4. “Substances of Very High Concern” (SVHC) may subsequently become subject to authorisation. After a certain time, these substances may not be used without prior admission.
5. As the highest level of protection, in Annex XVII of REACH, restrictions on manufacturing, marketing and use of substances are defined.

Lapp Group Response:
Items purchased from Lapp are articles/finished goods not chemicals, which are not intended to release any substance under normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions of use. Further, the Lapp Group is neither manufacturer nor importer of substances or preparations. Therefore the Lapp Group cannot act as a registrant.
The Lapp Group has always shown responsibility and care to promote secure and environmentally friendly products. It is our aim to substitute substances of very high concern (in the sense of REACH) with substances which are safe to use and represent no health hazard, minimise the environmental impact. To this end, we closely monitor the “candidate list”, in which SVHC are listed. We continuously evaluate our products to ensure we take appropriate action!

We observe all authorisation obligations in accordance to REACH Annex XIV, as well as all restrictions on manufacturing, marketing and use of substances, as defined in Annex XVII of REACH.

For more information about REACH, please contact our REACH contact persons.