Pre-assembled cable chains
System solutions for your machines from LAPP

Extending the lifetime of cables and wires: Assembled cable chains and cable chain systems from LAPP help you to protect cables and wires in moving applications. A perfect interaction of the necessary components requires detailed planning in advance. This is not only about the right choice of cables for cable chains , but also about their use in your production plant according to your requirements.
Make it easy for yourself: You can choose from pre-assembled cable chains for your needs or configure your own cable chains - with LAPP you get custom-fit solutions for immediate installation on site. Our experts support you in all planning phases.
With LAPP, you get precisely fitting and pre-assembled cable chains for immediate installation on site - plug & play for the factory.
Your advantages at a glance:
- Unique quality standard: LAPP stands for high-quality materials, highest
functionality and long life - Highest safety standard: Our cable chain systems are strictly tested. Thus, downtimes are avoided
- Global service: With global manufacturing competence and expertise in Asia, Europe
and the USA we can react to all market conditions - Competent system supplier: At LAPP you get everything from a single source