Production & logistics

Images from our production and logistics departments for editorial publications about the Lapp Group.

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lapp abwickler thumbUnwinder
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Unwinding plant in Forbach. Plant for producing strands with a cross section of 0.5 to 10 mm2.
lapp flechtmaschine thumbBraiding machine
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Braiding machine for winding cables with a steel or copper frame.
lapp kupferrollen thumbCopper rollers
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Copper cages are available for processing in the wire drawing shop.
lapp packzentrum thumbPacking centre
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Cable drums ready for dispatch.
lapp montageautomat thumbAssembly machine
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Fully-automatic assembly of SKINTOP® cable glands.
lapp lagersystem thumbWarehouse and picking system
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Highly dynamic warehouse and picking system in Lapp logistics centre 1 in Stuttgart-Vaihingen.